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TLG Insights

Who Runs the World? Executive Assistants!

Who Runs the World? Executive Assistants!

If you’re new to the game or need a brush-up, these 6 Pointers for your new job as an Executive Assistant will come in handy! Schedule a regular weekly meeting. Depending on the business, a daily meeting might be necessary. If you’re in a support role, at any level, meeting with your boss, is a […]
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4 Tips to Feel Good on Friday!

4 Tips to Feel Good on Friday!

Ahhh, it’s Friday, let the weekend begin! But wait, you have an entire day ahead of you. Do you muddle through and hope for the best or do you have a game plan to help you through the day? Here are 4 tips from the TLG team to feel good on Friday! 1. Complete your […]
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Celebrating 27 years

Celebrating 27 years

Today as we celebrate 27 years, we look back on the work we have accomplished and take great pride in that success. However, it’s about the people we have met along the way that has enriched the lives of all of us at The Larko Group. Thank you to our clients who have believed in […]
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Hiring Freeze – Keep your Talent Acquisition Team Active

Hiring Freeze – Keep your Talent Acquisition Team Active

Hiring Freeze Keep your Talent Acquisition Team Active A hiring freeze does not imply your team should be at a standstill. There are several ways to stay productive, increase your brand awareness, and strengthen your position when the freeze is lifted. Revamp your Candidate Experience.  Then the number one challenge in the job search process […]
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How To Lead Your Team Through Difficult Times

How To Lead Your Team Through Difficult Times

HOW TO LEAD YOUR TEAM THROUGH DIFFICULT TIMES Unprecedented times. Unchartered territory. The new normal. Have you heard enough of this?  If you haven’t, you may want to consider putting these phrases to rest. These are overly dramatic and overly used. Talk in terms of your business without labeling it. Keep your vision and messaging […]
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How to make an Impact in your New Job

How to make an Impact in your New Job

Starting a new job is both exciting and nerve-wracking, as well as an opportunity to make a great first impression. A smooth start during the first few weeks is about balance and managing expectations. Don’t look too far ahead, the goal is to learn about the job, your manager, and your team. If you follow […]
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5 Best Questions to ask an Interviewee

5 Best Questions to ask an Interviewee

We often look at the interview process through the eyes of a potential employee, encouraging them to do their research and be prepared, which we wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment. However, an interview is a two-way street and as an employer, it’s up to you to be prepared and ask questions that will help determine […]
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TLG Workforce Planning Guide

TLG Workforce Planning Guide

For your Workforce Information Update. Before heading back to the office, provide a detailed update of any changes, expectations, guidelines and rules of the road for safety precautions Hours of Work. Break up your standard hours, split days in half, or work split schedules in the office and at home. Allow your staff the flexibility […]
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Best Practices for Virtual Onboarding a New Employee

Best Practices for Virtual Onboarding a New Employee

Onboarding is vital to the success of a new employee but is often overlooked. Statistics show that without a well-planned onboarding process – virtual or in office – a new hire can potentially leave within 45 days. As more and more companies are hiring and onboarding virtually, being organized, creative and inclusive of the entire […]
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